Friday, August 1, 2008

How much can one earn online?

Sometimes, you may wonder why do you 'waste' your time in blogging.You might have given a thought that the money you make on internet is too less (just enough to pay your bills).If such is the case, one question will keep arising in your mind, "am I wasting my time in blogging?"
The answer is NO.At the end of this post, you will be 'brain-washed'!
Just go through the 'income' figures of some webmasters (believe me, they are true!!!).

The income is 'average income per month':
1.Markus Frind:
Visit his site.

2.Kevin Rose:
Visit his site.

3.Jeremy Shoemaker:
Visit his site.

4.John Chow: This man can be described in 1 word--'revolution'.Inspite of being dumped by the best search engine Google for his anti-Google attitude(!), this man has been making 5 figure income online.
Income: $30000/-
Watch his reports here.

There are many such webmasters making money which is far more than 9.00 to 5.00 jobs.Few of them have achieved it in 5-6 years.One thing which must be kept in mind is that they have achieved this success due to a lot of hard work.

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