Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Adsense video units: Let the videos make money for you

Google is known for its ability to stay up-to-date.When they came to know about the boom in number of viewers of youtube videos, they launched the 'adsense video units'.Google succeeded in catching up the popularity of youtube among 'netizens' to open a new revenue stream.
Let us know more about these ad units:
The adsense video units are very simple to work with.Once your adsense account is linked with your youtube account (you must have a youtube account), you can get started within a minute or two.
1.Login to adsense account.
2.Under "Adsense Setup" tab, choose video units.After agreeing with the terms,you will be transferred to youtube.
3.You can choose the ad format (size of video unit, colour,keywords etc.) as per your requirements.
4.Get the ad code and paste it on your site.

What hap
pens next?
A video will appear in the unit and Google starts displaying advertisements on some part of the video unit.The advertisements are perfectly relevant to your website content and may be irrelevant to the video being shown.
The picture shows the advertisement on the top left part of the video unit.
When the viewer clicks the ad, advertisement opens in a new window or tab.This ensures that there is no disturbance to the viewer while watching the video.

google adsense official blog.


Anonymous said...

But this is only available for USA publishers,, when google allow this of outsiders too?????

k said...

It is also available in many other countries.
Take a look at this post on Adsense official blog: