After being tired of Kontera, many of its publishers have turned to Infolinks.Infolinks have returned good results in terms of Cost Per Click.Those who were stuck at $0.02 clicks are now happily seeing them grow to good $0.1 clicks.
What's the advantage?
I.Infolinks offer two types of in-text ads-->
1.Double underlined keywords: This is what is the only way to implement Kontera.Because of double-underlining, one can easily understand that it is an advertisement.This is something we don't want to happen.
2.Single underlined keywords: Advantage! The readers won't be able to point out the difference between ads and the hyperlinks.Even though they refuse to click the ad, atleast they are watching the ad window popping up.If the ad is really interesting, you are bound to get a few clicks.
II.Setting the number of ads per page-->
You have a full control over the number of ads being shown on web page.This makes it easy for publishers.Currently, there is maximum limit of 12 ads per page.
III.Content category-->
In order to get targeted ads, it is really important to let Infolinks to know about the category of the website content.Once this is done, you will not have to do anything to get relevant ads.
It is worth trying!